Tuesday, April 28, 2009

TAG...I'm IT

My wife tagged me

What is my current obsession? iPhone... did you not get that part... what, I need to talk about it more on my blog... why do you think I have left it up here all this time.. "I'm obsessed!!!"

Which item of clothing do you wear most often? Boxers...actually I could dig only wearing work church... at Wal Mart...Yeah...Wal Mart, I could get into that!!!

What's for dinner? Pizza bread!!! Ok... bread with pizza sauce, pizza cheese... and Turkey peperoni!!! Yum!!!

What are you listening to? Anything on conservative talk radio.... got to try and keep my head form exploding!!

Say something about the one that tagged you. Ok... it was my Wife.. "Love you Babe!!!"  You are beautiful, witty, creative, amazing... Just what an old dog like me needs...

Favorite vacation spots? I want to go camping... I'm a simple man...

What am I reading right now? This..and news on my iPhone!!! LOL...

Four words to describe myself. Procrastinating, Loyal, Creative, Sincere... "Dito... to my Wife!"

Guilty Pleasure? Drinking on the JOB!!! went straight to the bad thought didn't you...I know you did..

First Spring thing to do? Clean off our nasty dirty deck (she said "Deck"... LOL!! ) and plant flowers

What do I look forward to? The next iPhone... Did I say that?
A few of my Tags...
