Thursday, June 21, 2012

Well, life is changing fast! Last time I posted was from my iMac, and now this one is from an all new iPad... Go figure eh? The first iPad was not even out than! That is to funny. The company I work for got iPhones for us and now iPads. We have a cool app made for our software and now I'm a lion in the field. Buti better be. We had one of our reps and good friend let go, so I took over their accounts. With that it has been a very crazy week. I have to manage twice the work and only one extra day to do so. I'm not worried. God has His hand in this as does He everything. So look out! I'm like a chicken with its head cut off having fun!!! Take care till next time... Or in my case next year... Ha!!!


Derek said...

And yes I saw the typos;)

Bill said...

Dude... I thought this link was dead...